My story

my life bullying

I am a young girl called Malou. I live in Denmark I will be exposed to bullying, especially on facebook and in the schools I have gone on. It has mostly been due to the fact that I have not been able to afford brand clothes, people have defamed me I have an ugly clothing style is very been called for an ugly girl and that I have no friends, some have said to me that I will not turn into something because they think that I’m a laughing stock all over the world. people don’t know how hard it is I have experienced bullying that people kicked and beat on me while I was lying down. People laughed just of it. was taken out of 5 schools because of bullying only my family and some of my friends have supported me. and they do still. I just know that those who have bullied me are so jealous that I’m fighting for my dream of becoming a pro blogger. that they do not have the balls to stand up to what they‘ve been through. I’m proud of you who support me has got many beautiful words sent by my lovely follows on an app called vines hope that will follow my life through my blog have you experienced bullying type into would like to read how you came forth out of bullying who helped you.

People bully me still. I get unpleasant messages on Facebook. I know that it is because I follow my dream. Some people cannot tolerate the success of all those who bully me will regret it when they look at my blog that I have many who support me in my dream and that they bully mistakenof the words they write to me,


  • Very sad that this happened to you . This is nonsense expensive clothes ugly people beautiful person without expensive clothing is the most real .Most importantly you feel smart and beautiful from the inside

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    • Yeralis

      Malou, you are an inspiration to all the people who have been bullied. Not even that! You are an inspiration to all the people put on this earth. You show a change in this world and I love you for being the independent person you. I hope the world will soon see who you really are!

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    • Ploo

      Hello ! I support you with all my heart like, i think, every person who has experienced the same thing.. That’s very very sad. Sorry I do not have an other word for saying what I feel now. But the only thing that really matter, is that you stay here and be strong against all of them. One day, they will suffer too. Because everyone has suffered rejection (less, o more like you) but when that happen, open your heart to them and tell them your story and your courage too.
      Congratulations for resisting. 🙂 continue…

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  • Brianna

    Oh, Malou. Please always remember that you are such a beautiful young lady. Do not let what others tell you define you! Like I’ve said, mind over matter. You are wonderful, I love you!

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    • Xx

      I’m sorry for what has happened but stay strong and keep blogging

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  • lisa

    Don’t think about other people meanings. You’re so beautiful and no one has the right of bullying. That only shows how immaturly they are. The most important thing is to believe in yourself. You have to love yourself then the others would stop.
    Say it everyday to yourself: I’m beautiful!
    and no one will query how wonderful you are!

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  • Fredericka

    I’m sorry for what has happened to you. Just know everyone in the world is not like them. I’m completely behind you and your blogging and vines.!

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  • Josh

    Sorry for what happened to you I commend you for not dealing bullies the way I did. I thought that fighting back was the way, although it stopped the bullies beating them up only creates a bigger problem.

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  • yap

    Dunt worry be happy. .got many people to support you~do what ypu want with what you have and where you are!!

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  • Marissa Rose

    This is Maris Rose from Vines and I think it is awesome that you are standing up for yourself and I hope those pathetic people see this. You seem amazing and you are not a laughing stock all over the world. I am as American as it gets and I think you are beautiful and that you are gonna do great things one day or even today.
    Your number 1 fan,
    Maris Rose

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  • Dear Friend,I wrote a post for you,I’m not sure if I posted it correctly or not,I may have erased it,I pray not cause I put allot of time into it. Please let me know if you received another post from me where I praised you for the inner strength you possess and found because of all you have endured at the hands of the Bullying Parasites who put you through Hell. In case I lost and erased the other post, I just want to tell you that you will go on to know great success due to the fact that while those Parasites were busy trying to tear you down they were building you up while only tearing themselves down,you will rub it in their faces the success in life you are certain to be Blessed to become and know.. Bless you my Friend,keep pushing forward and leave those Parasites behind in your dust in the wake to Greatness! Your story inspired me and you will inspire many others whether or not they themselves know the pain of abuse, you sharing the story of your experience can and will inspire many to push through whatever roadblock they may encounter in life,you are a strong, young and Beautiful Lady and your certain to know Greatness…..Bless You to the Fullest my Friend….I’m sorry you had to endure all that you have in life,you certainly didn’t deserve it,nobody does and shame on those who abuse others,Karma will deal with them for sure!!!!

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    • Dear Friend,I wrote a post for you,I’m not sure if I posted it correctly or not,I may have erased it,I pray not cause I put allot of time into it. Please let me know if you received another post from me where I praised you for the inner strength you possess and found because of all you have endured at the hands of the Bullying Parasites who put you through Hell. In case I lost and erased the other post, I just want to tell you that you will go on to know great success due to the fact that while those Parasites were busy trying to tear you down they were building you up while only tearing themselves down,you will rub it in their faces the success in life you are certain to be Blessed to become and know.. Bless you my Friend,keep pushing forward and leave those Parasites behind in your dust in the wake to Greatness! Your story inspired me and you will inspire many others whether or not they themselves know the pain of abuse, you sharing the story of your experience can and will inspire many to push through whatever roadblock they may encounter in life,you are a strong, young and Beautiful Lady and your certain to know Greatness…..Bless You to the Fullest my Friend….I’m sorry you had to endure all that you have in life,you certainly didn’t deserve it,nobody does and shame on those who abuse others,Karma will deal with them for sure!!!!

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  • Aya khaskya

    Malou… U’re such a great, brave girl who came out with a dream that u wanna make it true no matter what u’re going through.
    Stay strong and don’t listen to anyone or pay attention to anything that would underestimate u, even if they call u dirty and bad things u know in the depth of u that u’re not and they’re just jealous as u said.
    I wish u could fulfill ur dreams and show everyone that u can do it ;).

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  • kim

    you are beautiful… don’t let other peoples opinions form your lifestyle. I used to be bullied to, and still am. I have learned to laugh it off or stand up for my self. Neither is what i like to do, but since I started to do this, people started to respect me and I have alot more self confidence… I hope this helps and stay strong. Love you

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  • Lataya Lattany

    I’m sorry that this happened to you. It’s your not your fault that you can’t afford brand name clothes they shouldn’t care about what you wear anyways it only matters about what you think. Fight for your dream to become a pro blogger let them be jealous because if they really wanted to accomplish your dreams they wouldn’t be trying to ruin your dreams but they are super ignorant. people who act like they have nothing else to do with their lives. Next time if they try to beat you up use all the strength in your body to beat the shit out of them so they can know how it feels. You’re a beautiful girl who doesn’t deserve this and God is gonna punish these fools. I’m gonna pray for you and i want you to accomplish your dreams and not let anyone get in the way and i’ll support you the whole way

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  • Im so sorry that you’ve been bullied dont let it get to you your very pretty dont let any on stop your dream

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  • Stay strong beautiful

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  • josh ousley

    Hi I’m Josh from vine I hope the bullying quits

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  • Amie Rodarte

    I wish you luck on you blog hoping to more of what you have to say about bullying

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  • Why do we have to be beautiful if we have new clothes or new Jordan’s or if are hair is done.
    Why do we have to buy expensive things to impress you and for what so something better comes out the next month this world is so cruel.

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  • JK

    See.. Those who bully you are those who make you strong.. Today you are so much strong to fight them back…having branded things are nothing …all these things are venerable …you need True people, joy and Love only… Love yourself …you are precious… Plz keep inspiring people… World needs you…u are precious…. See your smile so precious…. You are just living with fake people…ignore them and live…share love…they will change 🙂

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  • Miri

    Well Malo, I read your story. I’m very sorry for all u hv been thru… this is not right and I think that our society becomes very cruel. Wish u haven’t experienced all this! But since I can be your mother (my age ofc!), I can say that your a brave girl that fights for her principles and rights, qualities to Admire! This is the right way.. and don’t let anyone take you down, cause you are brave, smart and beautiful…. hang on girl, life will smile to you! And never change cause you represent the good of the new generation.

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  • kelly martens

    Girl youre beautiful you have beautiful eyes to. People who bully you dont reserve to be in youre life. You can do everything. Be positieve and be happy dont let people bring you down.
    Show thema that youre better thans them.
    Very good of you to Wright this blog.
    You can do it girl and dont forget youre beautiful.

    Greets Kelly

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  • Shezy

    Sad… 🙁 but we support you

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  • JuneaBE

    Wow!!! That some serious stuff! But it is a blessing that you turned your trails into something. Please keep spreading the word! I have been there and had no one to turn to.

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  • Mallory

    Bullying is a horrible thing but I’m glad that your using the pain of your past to motivate you towards your dreams. I’m so sorry this happened to you but stay strong. You are beautiful and good luck on achieving your goals!

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  • Sejinyoon

    I am impressed with your message and your courage.
    ​​You’re not alone! I’ll be by your side and i will support you.
    Please cheer up, dear my friend.
    ​Life’s worth living for!
    Who knows what could happen…
    Just keep on laughing,
    There’s always a brand new day!!!!!

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  • Alizafar

    Hi Malou! I think that it is the most important that you have good communication with other people around the world. Do your best!!
    I think you can do that….(*′∇`*)

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  • Arllene Abreu

    I am so sorry this happened to you. You seem like an awesome and sweet girl. You don’t deserve the things that has happened to you but they are what make you, you. Those people may not see how cool you are but others will. You’ve made it this far, I wish you the best.

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  • Maria Awada

    Reading this made me tear up a bit❤️ I wish I can take all your pain away , your still young and you deserve to be happy. Your shouldn’t be going through this. I understand the pain your going through I really do. But you have to be strong, let these bullies know that whatever their doing isn’t hurting or affecting you, smile. In a couple years those “bullies” are gonna be strangers to you. You won’t even see one of them in the streets in your beautiful future. Your gonna be a mother, a wife, a friend, a neighbor, a daughter, and a blogger who fights through her pain. Don’t let people stop you from doing what you want. It’s not their future your planning, it’s yours. Your a beautiful girl and you have family and friends who care for you. Stay strong gorgeous ❤️❤️

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  • Alison Paez

    Hi beauty, don’t make case to comments that may affect you, you are a woman beautiful and very intelligent. Don’t let them ruin your life. I send you a big hug beautiful, Alison colombia.

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  • kiking

    Oh, Malou. Please always remember that you are such a beautiful young lady.

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  • eunhye.Hwang

    Hej – jeg blev bragt din blog efter at have set, hvad du har indsendt en kommentar på min EyeEm.

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  • Dinda audrie

    It’s so sad to hear that you have been bullied. To be honest I never been bullied so I am not going to pretend know hiw it feels. Becuse that is going to make me a liar. But I see people get bully and its terrible.

    But I hope you will be come a stronger person and one day you showed them that what they do is useless because you achive your dream.
    Everything they do to you only make you stronger. So keep on track to achive your dream because no matter where are you or who you are there is always someone trying to ruined your life or i called it haters. Just close your eyes your ear and keep focus achive your dream.
    I really wish your dream come true.

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  • Oni Olivia Koyu

    My name is Olivia ….M from Arunachal Pradesh, India. It ol started wen I went to high school …There everything started dey bullied me because I don’t belong to a rich family…..They teased me every time by using slang words……..Was da worsest day of my life

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  • Cloe

    Always remember that you are beautiful lady

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  • Elimac

    Hi, in the ONE on the vine and I just read your blog and I thing that you are strong enough to pass through this.
    I’m Do agree with you about stopping bullying because is something like that I’m passing through, so thank you and I hope you be happy. Bye

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  • shameel

    Those people are hollow inside , empty . so to cover it up by being fake or money or doing bad deeds.if they don’t do this they know they no better than an empty trash can.its a condition ,let em be like that ,there is point of realisation in everybody’s life .

    The greatest privilege in life is being who you are )
    Life is beautiful , get inspired and be the inspiration )
    Value every human being coz each one of them have the potential of doing greater good. Love all .
    All we got is one life ,why waste it hating ?

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  • mandy

    Hey, I’m Mandy from eyeem.
    Not many people can handle it to know such a stong person as you. The most important thing you have to do is to smile in the faces of these people who want to see you down. Because they never will! Let them assholes know who they was bullying! Just be a happy person, laugh at them faces and they should know that you’re a fucking strong person. If they see that you don’t give a fuck about them then they will let you. They will not even look at you because they will be ashamed. I know what I’m talking about! 😉

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  • Bea

    Malou, you are such a beautiful and strong girl, the things those haters say to you don’t matter, chase your dream and show them how mistaken they were to have ever crossed you, and remember, we are here to support you!

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  • We love your message and cause! Let’s collaborate. Send us an email!

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  • Maria

    I admire your courage and determination… keep going and shine like the star you were meant to be..

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  • myriha

    Don’t worry about anyone who doesn’t support you. Just keep going on with your lif . Eventually it will all be worth the fight. Everyone who has been bullied understands you and your journey. Having a blog is a great idea. Personally I think having a blog about bullying is a good thing. It gives people a safe place to talk about hard things
    Keep going and don’t give up !

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  • Chelesa

    Don’t let them get you down

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  • I wish you well young lady, Godspeed in healing

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  • I hope you get what you want. Good luck!!!

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  • sasha silva

    hey I’m Sasha thanks for commenting on my eyeEm page it’s really Sad that people still think in that way (that people who dress up better have an “prettier face”, or is more popular have more opportunities) I don’t know what you’ve been through thank to God , but like the previous commentaries I read you are a real inspiration to people. I hope your blog keeps the success I don’t really what I can say now my words are. Completely stuck up in my throat but hey show ’em the real badass bitch inside of you! Work hard! Eat some pizza and go out at night with the friends you have cuz you only live once and trust me live as much as you can cuz living is the most rare thing in the world most people just exist. And don’t forget to rock on dat blog Hun!!

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  • Mateo

    Hold all your dreams in a bag, don’t let rough fingers destroy your dreams. DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE! Do not listen to others on what they say! You are beutiful no matter what they say!

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  • Amanda

    I think you are very special if you are so brave to tell it to all world.I’m sorry for you;(,but you just have to be strong,cause some day It will halp you in your life,

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  • Ribael

    This is an amazing adventure for you to he fighting against people who just have hate in their heart. When God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah God said this,

    Jeremiah 17:9-10 NKJV

    “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the Lord , search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

    No action in this this life will go without tye Lord Jesus Christ knowing of it. My advice is to keep moving forward in Christ Jesus and to share only love that comes from Jesus.

    God Bless, I’m praying for you, peace to you and Much Love in Jesus Christ.

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  • Angelina Conley

    I think it is awesome wat u are doing although I am not a young girl any more I have dreams of one day becoming a great photographer plz continue doing the wonderful things u r doing.If only we had more young people like u this world would be so much better. Oh I think you are very beautiful an ur heart just makes u shine as gorgeous as the stars best wishes to you..

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  • Sabina

    Hello, read your story , very sorry that it happened ! You are beautiful and nice person. Do not pay attention to people who offend , they are flawed and rebuyut help! Do you have something that you do not have drugih.U beautiful soul ! and no expensive clothes will not create it! Everything will be fine ! I believe!

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  • Hello, read your story , very sorry that it happened ! You are beautiful and nice person. Do not pay attention to people who offend , they are defective and need help! Do you have something that you do not have drugih.U beautiful soul ! and no expensive clothes will not create it! Everything will be fine ! I believe!

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  • Enya

    I support you and everyone who has been bullied, I myself have dealt with ridicule and rude comments throughout my life. We are different in sometimes the best of ways. People who bully are the ones with problems. Its immature and just wrong. I’m against bullying to all ages.

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  • My biological mom is crazy she didn’t want anything to do with me as a child and when my parents got a divorce in ’05 , she began to manipulate me until my 13th birthday I realized everything , that the women that raised me , lied to me about who my dad was as a person , I had visited him a lot through the years but I began to miss him and I got my phone and texted my dad and the woman I actually call mom , and eventually around the week of valentines day she (bio mom) was done told me she couldn’t deal anymore and called my dad and told him to get me . since then I have been depressed and have cut and don’t know why , but I try to smile but then a boy comes by and I fall in love and he falls for someone else.

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  • Emre

    Congratulations for resisting.

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  • Janyla

    Omg this sad but I have faced bullying myself my friend threatened to frame me by posting pics on the internet but I realize I’m not the only one facing this problem so I stood up for myself and kept faith never let no one or nobody tear you down keep your dream alive

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  • Well done girl keep it up. Nothing matters more than being cool with your self. Hope everybody could be happy with their selves. Keep going do your thing and try to be good at people love them forgive them and go on. Kisses bye.

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  • Kylie Grace D.

    My big brother cut 5 month ago because of bullying. I need to talk about it, without being juged, I can’t speak english very well by the way…

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  • Honey, you’re done! I hope and believe – you will do it . They monkeys who have no life , sincerity , they will be rewarded for all , wish good luck …
    The main thing – it’s you and your loved ones , think about yourself and about them.
    Do what you like and smile, you are strong!

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  • Sorry it took me a couple days to comment, but I am here! I am very sorry to hear about what happen, please know that my heart will always be with you. Stay strong and keep fighting! Feel free to contact me at my email anytime. 🙂 *Hugs*

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  • Hello, I’m dini from eye em. After i read your writing… For me everybody is perfect. And you, you’re not ugly, you’re beatiful!!! Full of spirit and that’s make a plus poin again about you. Don’t just give up easily and fight for what you’re dream of. When i was kid i’ve been bullying too and i fight for it. And that’s not gonna happen again to me. Nice to meet you here and there at eye em. Hope all of your dreams come true. Xoxo

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  • Polly

    I’m sure that the bullying will stop soon and it’s awesome to see someone exceeding the problems and also helping people who are suffering with things simillar to yours!

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  • mira

    Dear malou…

    I think you are a brave girl who stand up for yourself… i’m a mother of one beautiful girl, but i still remember very clear about how hard is to survive in high school…
    Never act that you are scared of them, smile whenever they try to bully you, whatever they do to you always remember that you have better things to do than listen to them… if you need support and words in your most difficult time, always share it with your family, someone you trust, don’t keep it to yourself… you can even share it with me 🙂

    be happy girl, focus on being happy not to them :))

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  • Alexa

    It takes courage and will power to stand up for all that we believe in. Well done in your cause and making a difference to others
    re. Bullying.
    Your humility is admirable.Education, knowledge and media is a fabulous way to highlight issues and stamp out “bullying”
    Keep up the good work !!!

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  • Joe

    Stay strong.Just don’t care what people say.The only way to success is to not worry about what anyone else is doing.You’re a wonderful girl,don’t let others ruin your life!!…You have your whole life ahead…Make the most out of it…

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  • Mathilde

    I have see your blog, i haven’t andergo Any bullying . But i supporting you, for your Bravour and your courage. I think what you do is really good for person Who andergo many bullying , i will to say you continue and courage for that.

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  • Angel Collins

    For you Any thing. I would love to send you personal pictures of insaration… I would be Proud to be part of your Blog.

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  • hi Malou, I know you feel and how is to be bullied. People ere always jealous because they hate when you have something that they don’t have. Don’t listen to them, follow your dream and you’ll reach and be whatever you want because you’re special and beautiful girl. I hope this will give some inspiration and I’m young girl too who chasing her dream and I have been some situation. You’ll strong enough to move on and ignore those negative people who wanna stop you from your dream. “Follow your heart” Malou

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My story